Hello, World.

I have been following blogs over the last ten years. And like many people, I have thought to myself a million times, “I should do that.” Just as I was getting serious about the idea of starting my own blog, however, posts like “What were blogs” squashed my dreams of writing content for my what would be large, adoring audience. So, what am I doing here?

I am a writer at heart. I love to write. I really love to write. And for most of my adult life, my writing has been done within the bounds of the “ivory tower” as I completed a Masters’ Degree (theology) and a Doctorate (religious education). Now that I have survived hundreds of pages of term papers and a beast of a dissertation, I find myself returning back to the idea of starting a blog. Here are the reasons why: 1. It’s creative; 2. It lets me state my opinion in a unique way; and 3. It is what God has called me to do – to share the faith through my love of writing and seeking out God in all things, especially in the most unexpected places (I am looking at you pop culture).

So here I am, world. A budding writer, speaker, and digital disciple (more on the latter two later – on the blog). I am ready to begin the journey I should have started ten years ago when blogging was cool. I hope that you stick around and comment every now and again. Happy reading.

Jodi G. Hunt


P.S. Although I love writing, I am terrible with grammar. Really terrible. Just ask my HS school English teacher (who I had three years in a row – I know! How cool is that?!), Mr. Themer. So please, when you comment, neglect my grammatical mistakes. They will be plenty, I will catch them and will edit them, but the likelihood that they will be seen before I do is high. So be kind. And while you are at it, be kind to each other in the comment section too.

Jodi HuntIntroductions